Monday, June 11, 2012

Online Dating Profile Tips for Middle Aged Men 1-2-3 - No Sugar Coating

1. What To Say and What Not To Say - Let's face it. It is an online dating profile and the point of an online dating profile is to uh... get a date! So in our profile let's not talk about past relationships, or how long we've been divorced, or separated, or how painful it was, etc. Be honest about it in the Q & A section, but please don't belabor the point. Your past relationships are just that... in the past. So please talk about current day events, including the type of girl you would like to meet. And if the type of girl you are looking for happens to resonates with one of us female sorts, we just might drop you a line. Why? Because you've made it about us and not about your ex. Eventually, should the planets line up, there will be plenty of opportunity to talk about all sorts of things, including our collective pasts.

2. Those Pictures - First, too many pictures screams run! And yes we know you love your kitten Chloe, but a picture of you cuddled up with Chloe is not so sexy. And the full on bicycle gear, helmet, sunglasses, cleats, etc. looks like an advertisement. It is okay as a secondary picture, but not for the main photo. Oh and the picture of you horizontal on a sofa... gazing up into the camera, sorry guys! As for those big fish pictures... chances are we are probably not impressed and the first thing that comes to my mind is gills, guts and stinky fish smell. And please, please, please no zipper shots and save the bare chest for live and in person. For those of you who don't want to post your picture because you are the CEO of a big corporation, or whatever 'original' reason you've come up with, you are probably not going to get very far. We want to see your face, your eyes, your smile, and perhaps you in different settings that suggest your interests and those we might share together. Travel, outdoor activities, cooking with friends, etc. We women are like you men in that we want something to look at yes, but please make it interesting to us. Once we get to know each other we will have the opportunity to learn more about you in all different sorts of settings, including the bare chest.

3. Be Honest Honest Honest and Be Real - You've had great emails, entertaining text messaging and even a fun chat on the phone, you are SUPER excited and now you're looking forward to staring into your potential future girlfriend's big brown eyes while sipping your Cazadores margarita and munching on tortilla chips. You arrive at the restaurant, look around and not a familiar face anywhere in sight. And then over walks a stranger who calls out your name, a stranger who has some bit of familiarity but looks older, is a little heavier and 2 inches shorter than the online profile. Dang! You've been hood winked! Trust me on this one: It is not a good way to start out. Be honest in your profile! Be honest about your age! It doesn't matter if you are trying to beat a search engine, or if you feel like a testosterone raging 27 year old when you are really 65. And be honest about your body type including your height. As much as we might like to think we are bigger and stronger and taller than we really are (me included, all 62 1/2 inches of me), rulers and tape measures all use the same universal standard. So be real! If somebody doesn't like YOU and embrace YOU for who YOU are... stop wasting your time, because time is finite... treat 'em like the fish that wasn't big enough, let 'em go!

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