Thursday, June 7, 2012

After 40 Dating Tips to Easily Meet More People This Weekend and Segue Into Dating Again

Do you mind if I ask you a question? What are your social plans this weekend? What do you have planned this weekend? Are you doing anything this weekend?

If your answer is, "Nothing," or "Not much," then please allow me to suggest that you start making an effort now to fill up your weekend calendar with some social plans that will ensure you meet a number of new people and get you out of your house comfortably and easily meeting others. You just might surprise yourself with how comfortable you can feel conversing comfortably with others.

Even if when you read this mature singles tips article it's Monday where you are, and you're wondering to yourself, "What on earth can she be thinking to bring up my plans for this weekend? Afterall my last weekend just ended, right?"

Perfect timing then!

Starting to think about your singles seeking activities next weekend now gives you all week. That gives you plenty of time to assess your previous weekend's activities, results, and work on your Dating Strategy.

In my working as a Dating Coach, I'm usually coaching my clients early in the week so they can do things now to ensure they actually have more dates this coming weekend. Get it? To get to where you are meeting people regularly throughout the week and then going on live interactive dates requires you to be like the farmers and plant socializing seeds beforehand. You need to plan seeds of socializing early in the week in order to reap the harvest of going on dates over the weekend.

So, what're your plans for this coming weekend? A great way to think about it is to do some reflecting assessments over your last weekend. What did you do? Did you meet new people? Any singles? Exchange phone numbers? Yes? No?

In which case, time to start contemplating some fun activities this weekend.

Get out your local newspaper. You can use either the print edition or the online version and go check out the community calendar of events. In the example of summer time for at least another month, you will probably have some Street Fair options. Some food festivals perhaps.

Circle 2 or 3 of these. Get the details and do be sure to go, ok?

Or you could feel free to stay at home alone for another weekend scrubbing your sink and downloading movie online while you are all alone.

Your choice.

What're my recommendation? Turn off your computer, get out and meet someone. All of those meetings of several someones is what leads to that one someone, that special someone for you.

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