Thursday, June 14, 2012

Dating After 40 Advice: Choosing Singles Events to Attend With Discernment for Quality Mate Finding

If you're single and over forty years old, maybe you haven't been on a date in awhile, or you haven't really dated much this year. Once you get back into the dating saddle again and have established some "dating momentum," most midlife singles don't want to waste their time on dates leading nowhere. After 40 singles don't want to waste their time just going on dead end dates. How can you select what singles events for your attending? What criteria is smart to use to choose the singles activities to pursue with your precious time in your modern busy schedule? Read on to discover advice from a dating expert.

Once you are going on date regularly and are meeting new people as a matter of course each week, then you have now established what I coined as "dating momentum." Good for you! You are well on your way to finding and attracting a quality marriage-minded mate. Now it's essential to start choosing the singles events and activities you attend with discernment.

Now, I know one single woman who is quite high maintenance and won't go out with any man who is not in a certain education or income bracket. Nor will she date a man who is divorced. But I feel these single people don't know what it entails to actually be in a relationship with a real person. So they will often use this ideal criteria to dismiss meeting actual, real, and genuine people.

Allow me to introduce to you a wonderful way to meet quality singles once you have first established your dating momentum: business networking events and singles events.

Once you are in dating mode, the thing is you can run the risk of building a cacophony of activity just for activities' sake.

But the better and more effective idea is to become strategic in the events and activities you pursue with your precious time. With so many singles living very busy and demanding professional lives, you need to become strategic in your selection process in order to be as effective as you want to be to meet relationship-mind quality singles.

Start to build up lists of multiple things you could go do at anytime to meet more people in your area, whether you live in a metropolitan city or in the deep country. Be on the lookout for networking events you could be sowing yourself into to meet and network with more prospective dates.

You do need to sow seed, but not like you do in your fallow time.

It isn't just about who curls my toes.

Part of the work I do with my Personal Dating Coaching clients is to do a lot of defining of what it is that we want in a relationship, to feel and to experience. Now, we're not exactly going to think do and feel all of that or even right away with someone. But it is like the plum line against which we hold our relationships.

Then reflect after a few dates, "which ones are close?" to your marriage relationship model?

Do keep those.

Develop those relationships and pursue those to the next stage or so while we are further discerning.

And we must let the others go.

What about you?

To move forward, what do you need to let of, or whom?

Let go of those with whom you really are not a match, and instead focus your dating time, energy, and efforts on quality possible mates who are relationship and marriage-minded like you.

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