Friday, June 1, 2012

How to Get Her Back Even If She's The One Who Dumped You

How to get her back if she's the one who dumped you? Is it even possible to get your ex-girlfriend back in such cases?

The answer is "yes" if you know how. To get her back, you just need to understand the following facts:

Fact #1: Most Women are Fickle Minded

I am not saying that all women are fickle minded, but 9 out of 10 are.

If you notice, in most cases, it is the woman who initiated the break up but many a times, they are also the one who ask to get back with each other again.

So, you should never doubt the possibility of winning your ex-girlfriend over again. You just need to know how to get her back.

Fact #2: Women Likes Popular Guys

If you want to know how to get her back, be a guy who's on demand.

Like guys, most girls are happy or proud to learn that their "man" is a man who is highly on demand. That gives them a boost of confidence and pride among their friends.

The easiest way to be a guy on demand is by dating your ex-girlfriend's close friends.

By dating her close friend, you will actually make your ex wanted to get back with you immediately.

Fact #3: Women Are Sentimental

It goes without saying that majority of women are more sentimental compared to men. That explains why most of the time, women are willing to continue with a relationship even though they are the one who requested for a break-up. You just need to make some efforts to mend the relationship.

Find out what went wrong and rectify it.

If she does not like certain aspects about you, change it.

If she longs for more fun in a relationship, be creative and be a fun person. You will know that you are successful when you notice that she laughs more when she's with you.

In short, you have to show her that you are exactly the kind of guy who she needs. If you can do that, you would no longer need to wonder how to get her back. She'll come back to you.

The answer on how to get her back revolves around how much you know about women. Know them more and you'll win your ex over again in no time - even if she is the one who dumped you in the first place.

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