Friday, July 13, 2012

50 And Dating - 36 Quick and Easy Dating Tips for Mature Female Daters

  1. Ask! Ask! Ask! Ask men questions in emails, phone conversations and in person.
  2. Don't monopolize a conversation with a new date
  3. Don't unload your troubles on him on a first date.
  4. Have a varied dating plan for how you'll meet men
  5. Enjoy meeting new and interesting men
  6. It's OK to be scared. Being too careful means not enough action. Not enough action means always being alone.
  7. Do one Dating action every day and in the process become the action hero of your own life.
  8. Don't deprive or impose too many rules on yourself about dating.
  9. See dating mistakes as an opportunity to learn more about what you do and don't want in a relationship.
  10. Never shy away from dating obstacles. We soar our highest when truly challenged.
  11. Don't feel you have to have a man in your life otherwise you might end up settling just to have someone there.
  12. Don't allow others to define your dating life for you.
  13. You know what makes your heart swell with love. Follow that dream.
  14. Have a dating purpose-know why you want a man in your life.
  15. Be sure you have some type of dating support from friends or families.
  16. Have a "go to person" you can always discuss your dating concerns with.
  17. Don't Panic when a date doesn't work. There are lots of other men out there for you.
  18. You do have more then one Soul Mate in life.
  19. Your soul mate is out there looking for you too!
  20. When a relationship ends, give yourself some time to heal before you head back into the dating world.
  21. Success comes from working through the fear of failure and learning to be adaptable.
  22. Know the value of learning "How To Date" at this time in your life.
  23. Make a conscious decision that you are wonderful with or without a man in your life. This is often when he shows up.
  24. Sometimes a date or relationship not working out is actually a blessing in disguise.
  25. Always make time to go out with your girlfriends.
  26. Success comes from knowing you're always in the right place at the right time.
  27. Enrich your single life by taking classes that follow your passion
  28. Be willing to explore different types of men.
  29. Don't overthink how Mr. Right is going to show up in your life. Trust the Universe to bring you what you want.
  30. Think about upgrading your membership at dating sites to get you more exposure to the men on the sites.
  31. There are 1000's of dating sites. One has to be right for you.
  32. The Best of the Best Dating Sites for you are the ones that speak to what types of men you are most interested in.
  33. Check out lots of dating sites.
  34. It only takes minutes to minimally fill out a profile form on a Dating Site.
  35. Personalize your profile with scenes a man can imagine himself being part of such as describing a great picnic for a romantic date.
  36. Be careful of obsessing about being in a relationship. It can cloud your judgement.

This news article is brought to you by PET-FRIENDLY-RENTALS - where latest news are our top priority.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Why Boomers Need To Be Careful On Their First Date

Boomers are the most vulnerable of all age groups when it comes to dating. They've gone through a bitter divorce, or their loved one passed away leaving them at the loneliest time in their life. Many have saved money from their early years and have hefty bank accounts, stocks and bonds.

Growing old with their spouse was certain until tragedy struck. They are left alone to defend for themselves in a depressed state, wondering why life was so unfair to them. Some go to counseling while others take depressant medications and others look for guidance from their children, and a few join dating sites looking for companionship.

Con artists have caught on to the dating scene knowing the boomers are an easy target to wipe out their bank account. The boomers looking to date need to go to a good dating site. They must ask questions and make sure the dating company performs background checks and screens all the members.

It helps weed out con artists, criminal and drug pushers. Although their system isn't perfect, most losers will get turned down for a membership. Boomers biggest mistake is giving too much personal information to their first date. The well to do boomers wears expensive clothes, jewelry, watches and drive fancy cars.

They should dress casual like most everyday people. Leave the expensive jewelry at home and wear costume jewelry and drive a cheaper car. Suppose they meet their compatible match and they look like a million dollars. If they like their date, they won't know if they like them for themselves or if they're after money.

Never give financial information to a date or anyone else, or tell them where you live. After you've been seeing this person for a while, then you can tell him where you live. You still must be careful for the con game, such as leaving their wallet at home, waiting for a real estate deal to close, or they got in an accident and need money until a check arrives in the mail.

Cons love to play the waiting game and are good actors. They know if given enough time, they can break you down to tell them what they want to hear. Lonely boomers are so lonely that they fall for any old game and end up losing a fortune giving in to the con because they felt sorry for them and trusted their instincts which were guiding the con right to the boomer's bank account.

Make sure the dating service helps you with your profile and be as specific as possible without giving to much information. You will get matched to someone of your liking, but remember it's not one hundred percent foolproof. Boomers need to be careful on their first date and every date after that.

This article is sponsored by medical case study.

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Over 50 Dating Tips for the Baby Boomer Singles: Where Can You Find Mature Senior Singles Locally

The Baby Boomer Generation has its own share of happily single-again mature men and women. Many singles in the Boomers demographic are single-again after having divorced or been widowed after a former marriage. These senior singles are in midlife dating again with a mature well-seasoned and practical understanding of what it takes to create a real relationship. Sure the senior online dating sites are a great place to meet boomer singles. But what about where to meet singles in their 40s, 50s, and 60s offline in the real world locally near where you live? Read on to discover where you can find mature single seniors like yourself in your local area.

One of the questions that comes up when I lead internet dating workshop in the offline world is where are all the attractive and available over 40, 50 and even early 60s single men and women? Certainly single men and women joke in person about reading people's online dating profiles citing that they are 61 but looking to date someone as young as 20 years younger than they are. Both men and women have this as a challenge. Whether you want to consider this to be "Dirty Old Men" or jibe about "Cougar Dating," this is the 21st century and a lot of the former social taboos about age differences in serious relationships have gone by the wayside. I find that refreshing and generally a good thing. Because then people can open themselves up better to looking for and finding a serious lasting love relationship based upon real attraction, caring, shared values, and aligned lives. Not based on the number on their birth certificate or the number of candles on their birthday cake.

However, the same dilemma which many of the single never marrieds face in their 30s, "Where are all the quality singles?" is the same dilemma which mature singles over 40, over 50, and over 60 encounter. "Where are all the quality available singles around my own age?"

Just as singles in their 30s actually must go out and seek out establishing a social life and finding appropriate social venues to meet singles in their social peer age group, so the singles looking to date after 40, 50, and 60 must do so as well. Additionally, yes, over time, there are fewer singles in your precise age group and demographic. This is one of the reasons to loosen up what might be your strict search criteria. Could he be a few years younger than you? Couldn't he be? You like baseball, she likes hockey. Well at least you two both enjoy sports and can engage in conversations about your sports at different times of the year.

Whenever there is a major sports underway, that means you just have a wonderful opportunity to go watch the games at a Sport Bar. Now, I received questions from some very attractive mature single women in their 40s and into the 50s and 60s about which sports bars to go to where they would at the same time meet men in their 50s and 60s. There isn't exactly 1 Hot Over 50 Singles Bar precisely in any metropolitan area. The market is just different. However, what you can do is start to place yourself at the Sports Bars which are more of a locally owned and operated venue in your town or city. You will encounter some folks in the 30s, their 40s, their 50s, and their 60s at cool local bars like these. But it's likely not going to be like when were in our 20s and early 30s where we go to a bar or dance club on a Saturday night, and come home with several phone numbers, squealing about the cute guy we just met and hoping he really does ask us out next week. When you go to a local watering hole, you want to dress attractively while yet casually. Have as your goal not "to meet THE one for me" which would just put way too much pressure on yourself as well as on the folks there. Instead, take a smaller goal like, "I want to meet 3 new people and converse with them. And just maybe 1 of them will be single and about my age, too." Just do begin to open things up socially and comfortably, and you'll have gotten things started for finding senior mature love right where you live.

This news article is brought to you by MUSIC - where latest news are our top priority.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Endless Summer: After 40 Singles Summer Dating Tips, Attend Adult Summer School at Community College

As a member of the Baby Boomer Generation in your forties and fifties or so now, do you remember the Beach Boy's Record Album, "Endless Summer?" You can reignite all those fun and fabulous feelings of the endless and limitless possibilities of sizzling summer romance this summer season with exploring meeting new people and learning new things at your local community college. During the summer months of June, July, and August, the community education and personal enrichment category of your local community's Adult Education program offers you limitless new doors to open and explore your world.

Your local community colleges and adult education programs in your regional area community open up new lighter and breezier topic classes, workshops, and seminars in the summer semester to best serve the communities. Your local schools are often tasked to serve the mature members of their community. Often the mature single adults taking workshops are in their 40s, 50s, and 60s. Do take a look at your area community college or college extension center catalogue. Search out either in the hard copy of the physical catalogue you probably received in the mail. Alternatively, search on the web at the school's website for their online version of their class schedule.

Often in the summertime, the community education offerings will expand to include more single session classes and workshops. Most people have busy summer schedules and are planning trips. Fewer adult learners want to commit to multiple sessions or multiple weeks for a class or workshop learning model. During June, July, and August, you will likely encounter more one-off workshops meeting just one Saturday this summer. Those are perfect for meeting more area locals.

What sort of classes and workshops should you seek to take to best use your time for meeting possible senior singles?

Be on the look out for DIY project classes, cooking classes, singles skills, conversation skills, as well as arts and crafts classes to sign up for. These are both light topics which people enjoy learning about without feeling like it's too much re-doing high school or college. In addition, these sort of workshops are highly interactive. The more interactive the class or seminar, the better for you to connect lightly with your fellow classmates as well as display yourself just a little bit in a low key, stress-free manner where you can feel confident and comfortable doing so.

What is another great local venue to go to for meeting your fellow mature midlife singles for socializing and dating?

Discover your local area city government's "Parks and Recreation" department. The summer months typically open up and offer a lot more "Park and Recreation" outdoors activities than can be permitted during the cooler and colder winter months. Now that it's summertime, and the living is easy, everyone is donning brightly colored eye catching colors and happily smiling more often as they enjoy the warmer weather and fun new activities.

To prepare how to best leverage your time at the summer workshops, do implement tips to be more approachable and you'll feel confident and at your best. What could be more socially attractive for getting dates than that?

This news article is brought to you by IS ASTROLOGY MISLEADING YOU ? - where latest news are our top priority.

Monday, June 18, 2012

After 40 Dating for Women: Is Your Bedroom Too Girly? How to Attract Your Groom Using Feng Shui

Ladies, is your bedroom's energy repelling men? Is your bedroom full of chintz, lace, and girly pillows and patterns. Your bedroom's energy might be too girly to attract relationship oriented marriage-minded men. Don't fret. This is a quick and easy fix. Discover romance Feng Shui secrets to fix the energy in your home. Stop pushing single men out of your sphere with what is in your bedroom. Start attracting love and romance with Feng Shui secrets right in your bedchamber. He doesn't even need to see your room for these powerful secrets to have their effect! Read on to learn what to do.

You can implement these tips in just 1 weekend, and start seeing the dramatic changes this week. You'll notice the dramatic results in your interactions with men by next week.

Feng Shui is powerful for effecting change in your life. The very energy and ambiance of your bedroom is one of the most powerfully effective ways to alter your romantic life.

Take a cold hard look at your bedroom and assess it along these lines.

Is you bedroom full of only girly fabrics like floral chintzes and frilly lace-edged toss pillows?

Do you have a television set, computer, tablet, or other computer-based electronic gadgets in your room?

Is your bed pushed up against a wall, with access to it from only one side?

What images do you have in frames displayed on your bureau? What about the pictures on the wall? Do they feature lone women in fashionable clothers?

Do you have flowers or plants in your bedroom?

If you said "yes" to any or all of these questions, then your bedroom is guilty of jeopartizing your chances with men, and repelling guys.

What can you do?

One color placed in your bedroom that immediately activates romance in your life is the color red. However, red is a super-charged power color. So, while you do want to add it to your bedroom, you also want to use it sparingly. Think to add 2 red candles. Activating the element of fire in a low key manner via a flame light candle also contributes to the romantic attraction ambiance and energy of your single woman's bedroom.You could additionally add 1 single small red heart shaped pillow. See what I mean? What I suggested were both small items, and only a few of them. Alternatively, you can add some items in pink.

If you have all chintz and lace, just dial it back a bit. Purchase some blue or green sheets for your bed to balance them. And consider removing a few of the pillows so there are only a few of them on your bed.

Electronic device cut the romantic energy of your bedroom. They stimulate things too much mentally in your bedroom which disturbs the mood for romance, resting, and sleep which you desire in a bedchamber. Flowers and plants stimulate too much, also. Remove them to the living room.

Pull you bed out from against the wall so energetically another person could have room here.

Take down any solo woman images from your walls and remove family photos from your bedroom. Place those photos in the living room instead. In your bedroom, have images of pairs. You can have figurines of a boy and girl kissing or artwork which features couples.

Start making these changes this weekend, and light your new candles. Feel the shift by next week with your more romantic couple-oriented energy with men. And remember to smile and flirt with them when you do!

This news article is brought to you by FAX MACHINE - where latest news are our top priority.

Friday, June 15, 2012

Senior Singles Internet Dating Profile Tips: Avoid the Day Old Bread Stale Profile Syndrome

Senior singles seeking love online will often rush too quickly to toss a profile up rapidly just to get something published all in one single afternoon. Then both mature single women and men in their 50s and 60s will message over 10 single seniors they find attractive.

What is the dreaded outcome they experience? No one responds. They feel dejected and rejected, sure that they are now unattractive to the opposite sex.

I've had Boomer single coaching clients men and women who do this and feel awful. They leave the same profile up for months on end, all with no response. Here's what I have them do to improve their dating websites profiles. You'll discover how to improve your computer dating website profile and garner more responses from sincere senior singles.

Don't give up! There is something constructive and comfortable you can do about your social life after 50 years old. Read on to learn how.

If you popped your profile up all too quickly, it more than likely is guilty of being too shallow, too provocative, too dull, or too generic.

And then because you wrote all the single seniors you were interested in all at once and no one responded, all the singles you were attracted to and considered for a date have already looked at your dreadful dating profile and rejected you. To re-approach them now, you'll have to seriously overhaul your internet personals ad so they either don't recognize you or where your message fesses up to your mistakes and learned lessons.

Leaving your midlife dating profile up online without any changes at the singles website leaves the other searchers wondering if you are stuck in a time warp. Your computer dating site profile becomes like day old stale bread. Will you put yourself in the marked down stale dated bread bin, willing to date all takers?

Of course you won't. Let's face it. You have taste and relationship standards. Sure, do be flexible. However, do aim to update and refresh your profile periodically.

What hobbies are you revisiting this year? Are you trying out square dancing again at the community center after a 10 year hiatus? Are you taking up skeet shooting with the local club at the outdoor range? Are the summer Olympics inspiring you to be more active and join a hiking/walkers club?

Do include these and anything new and interesting you are doing and considering pursuing this year. As we age, modern mature singles desire life partners who are still intriguing and interesting people who are engaged in life with hobbies and interests. The worst possible marriage scenario for modern day mature mates to imagine is a marriage which is dull and boring. Demonstrate with your profile's freshness that you are an interesting possible relationship mate.

Each of those hobbies and interests offers you two ways to update the freshness and relevance of your dating profile.

First, it gives you some new text and tidbits to share about in the essay body of your profile. Write a sentence about why you like this activity. Tell your readers how often you pursue your hobby. Save sharing the adventures of it for the email exchange and your first few dates. You want to keep a little mystery and something fun, safe, and clean for your date conversations.

Second, your new or renewed hobby offers you chances to update your secondary photos. Include a picture of your pursuing the activity! By doing this, you also demonstrate you are a real life genuine person, not a fake profile. Do be sure to leave out any photo references to other people. Leave room for your prospective dates to consider meeting and dating you.

By reflecting you are an active and engaged single senior and updating your profile periodically, you'll be more attractive to singles of the opposite sex at the mature relationship dating sites. And that's worth responding to!

This news article is brought to you by HIKING-BACKPACKING - where latest news are our top priority.

After 40 Dating Advice: Online Dating Protocol Means Aim to Get to Meet In Person for a First Date

Singles dating after 40 years old will sometimes spend a lot of their social time emailing, vetting and screening their prospective dates before they ever actually risk meeting them face to face in person. What is the best internet dating advice for online dating messaging protocol before getting to the first date? How many messages is best? How many messages, texts, and phone calls is a red flag? Read on to learn and discover what to watch out for.

Even when you are pursuing an online relationship at the internet dating websites, you do still need actually to aim to meet each other face to face in peson. Keep in mind that the primariy results goal of internet dating is to get to the first date.

With all the different kinds of online dating sites, the singles protocol is to exchange a few emails and actually arrange to meet in person for a first meeting date.

Otherwise, to keep messaging each other, to text and to phone call is only fantasy which wastes your time.

How many message is best to exchange in online dating protocol? I generally recommend about 3-5 email length messages to connect and then segue to "Let's Meet."

Are there a guideline for red flags from too many messages being sent? More than about 5 emails or messages, and that's a red flag sign that there's something wrong. Who knows what their issue is? It really doesn't matter. Sometimes the other person is recently divorcing or divorced and may just be rusty in this area of dating and not know good online dating protocol and internet dating etiquette.

So, do be a little forbearing. Your prospective date is likely over 40 years old also, just like you. Perhaps they haven't been on a lot of internet website based dates? You may have a diamond in the rough here with your prospective date. Remember, dating is to practice your communication skills of what you want and don't want and to practice your flirting skills to build attraction.

When you go on a date live and in person, you have the wonderful opportunity to send your body language flirting signals back and forth which each other in deeper ways than is possibly exclusively through the written word medium of messaging.

Meeting in person on dates means that the two of you can leverage the art of flirtation, body language, and conversation. These are all excellent attributes of long lasting love relationships as well. So, you definitely desire to practice these easily while you can readily in social dating.

The more dating you do and the more other available singles you meet, the better for both of you. Dating is all about being seen and known so you can get ready for the lasting love relationship you deserve.

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Dating After 40 Advice: Choosing Singles Events to Attend With Discernment for Quality Mate Finding

If you're single and over forty years old, maybe you haven't been on a date in awhile, or you haven't really dated much this year. Once you get back into the dating saddle again and have established some "dating momentum," most midlife singles don't want to waste their time on dates leading nowhere. After 40 singles don't want to waste their time just going on dead end dates. How can you select what singles events for your attending? What criteria is smart to use to choose the singles activities to pursue with your precious time in your modern busy schedule? Read on to discover advice from a dating expert.

Once you are going on date regularly and are meeting new people as a matter of course each week, then you have now established what I coined as "dating momentum." Good for you! You are well on your way to finding and attracting a quality marriage-minded mate. Now it's essential to start choosing the singles events and activities you attend with discernment.

Now, I know one single woman who is quite high maintenance and won't go out with any man who is not in a certain education or income bracket. Nor will she date a man who is divorced. But I feel these single people don't know what it entails to actually be in a relationship with a real person. So they will often use this ideal criteria to dismiss meeting actual, real, and genuine people.

Allow me to introduce to you a wonderful way to meet quality singles once you have first established your dating momentum: business networking events and singles events.

Once you are in dating mode, the thing is you can run the risk of building a cacophony of activity just for activities' sake.

But the better and more effective idea is to become strategic in the events and activities you pursue with your precious time. With so many singles living very busy and demanding professional lives, you need to become strategic in your selection process in order to be as effective as you want to be to meet relationship-mind quality singles.

Start to build up lists of multiple things you could go do at anytime to meet more people in your area, whether you live in a metropolitan city or in the deep country. Be on the lookout for networking events you could be sowing yourself into to meet and network with more prospective dates.

You do need to sow seed, but not like you do in your fallow time.

It isn't just about who curls my toes.

Part of the work I do with my Personal Dating Coaching clients is to do a lot of defining of what it is that we want in a relationship, to feel and to experience. Now, we're not exactly going to think do and feel all of that or even right away with someone. But it is like the plum line against which we hold our relationships.

Then reflect after a few dates, "which ones are close?" to your marriage relationship model?

Do keep those.

Develop those relationships and pursue those to the next stage or so while we are further discerning.

And we must let the others go.

What about you?

To move forward, what do you need to let of, or whom?

Let go of those with whom you really are not a match, and instead focus your dating time, energy, and efforts on quality possible mates who are relationship and marriage-minded like you.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

How to Start Dating in Your 50's

It's tough to start dating in your 50's when you've been with the same person for so many years. The process gets easier once you find the first date. You may have gone through a messy divorce or you lost your spouse.

Whatever the reason, you are lonely and want to get on with your life. Look for a dating service that offers help in setting up your profile. You want to be matched with someone that's compatible. The best dating company will run a background check and screen the applicant. They care about their clients and want to help as much as possible to find them the right person.

Maybe you are looking for someone in their fifties and he has lost his wife or gone through a divorce too. You want him to have interests that you have and show kindness and respect. You're at the age where you don't want to make the big mistake of getting matched with the wrong person.

Do your research and find the dating service that caters to your age group. Some people in this age group have a tough time trusting others as they have probably had bad experiences with someone in the past. You need someone you can trust that is understanding to your needs with a great personality.

When you've been matched from the dating service, and you are ready for your first date, be sure to write down questions you want to ask him. Find out what he likes to do, and if you have pets, ask him about his pets.

There will be things you both have in common, it's just asking the questions. When you meet him for the first time, you will know in a matter of minutes if you like him and he will know too. Keep your financial status to yourself, because if you have money you won't know if he likes you or the money.

Don't tell him about your personal affairs such as how much your house is worth, or how many kids and grandkids you have. Save all that for another time. If he seems over-bearing and rude, make an excuse to leave.

If after you meet him and you just don't like him, find a way to cut the meeting short. There is true romance for you out there; you just need to know where to look. There is someone for everybody and you're no different. There's never a good reason why a person has to be alone at any age. Now is the time to learn how to start dating in your 50's and you will find the true one.

After 50 Dating Advice: Getting Comfortable Meeting People by Attending Adult Ed Enrichment Classes

If you're a mature midlife single desiring to date again but feeling lost and rusty at socializing, there's hope. Discover ways to comfortably practice meeting strangers and new people right near where you live. Avoid the meat market pick up feel of some of the internet dating sites. Instead, you can venture back into dating and socializing slowly at your own pace, just dipping your toe in the water of the modern singles scene by attending Personal Enrichment classes at your local Community College and Adult Ed programs. Here's how you can easily get started with comfort and ease.

No matter what time of year it is, it's wonderful time to try new things and learn something new. Regardless of what season it, with your local Adult Education Programs, it's always time to go back to school.

Remember that fun thrill that would start to develop each August as you saw the season of Autumn approaching? It was time to go shopping for new "Back to School" clothes and fashions. It was also time to purchase new 3-Ring binders, lined notebook paper, pens and pencils. Everything was fresh and new, and the new school year held such promise for new possibilities. Indeed, it was always such a fun time of year. By registering for and attending some Personal Enrichment topic classes at your local Community College's Extension Center, you can regain some of that exciting promise of meeting new people, greeting a new expert teacher, and learning a new subject.

One of the most important behaviors I encourage coaching clients over 50 years old to is to get out there a bit each week, meet some new people casually, and while you are at it, go ahead and learn a few new things.

Do check out your Adult Ed classes at your local community college. They have classes year round. Quite often the best classes which are the most interactive with both your instructor and your fellow students are the single session one day workshop seminars. Typically these classes are offered in the Personal Enrichment category. The one day option is easy to fit into your schedule, so these classes often have the best turn out. That means you'll meet a larger number of people more easily with the investment of your time. The single session workshops often start in the morning. Many of them will have a more advanced discussion of the topic in a second follow up workshop to register for in the same afternoon. Go ahead and attend both of the workshops. Pack your lunch, and go.

One secret tidbit of advice I'll share with you which I share with my coaching clients is to remember to spiff up your image and how you dress when you attend the workshop. Don't wear your scruffy cleaning house garb that you might wear at home. Shun your sweatsuit. Why? Because you are in front of a number of people who are either your direct target audience for possible dates, or at least a handful of other people who could become your social acquaintances and expand your social circle. You want to dress in a manner which is both casual and geared to impress.

My last mature singles coaching secret I will share with you all is be sure to get up, stretch, and chat up the other attendees during the class breaks. You only have the single session to meet them. So do consider carrying a personal card with you and wearing a conversation starter. That way you are easy to talk with and at the end of the few minutes you have to talk, you can easily hand them your personal card and request their card.

Monday, June 11, 2012

Online Dating Profile Tips for Middle Aged Men 1-2-3 - No Sugar Coating

1. What To Say and What Not To Say - Let's face it. It is an online dating profile and the point of an online dating profile is to uh... get a date! So in our profile let's not talk about past relationships, or how long we've been divorced, or separated, or how painful it was, etc. Be honest about it in the Q & A section, but please don't belabor the point. Your past relationships are just that... in the past. So please talk about current day events, including the type of girl you would like to meet. And if the type of girl you are looking for happens to resonates with one of us female sorts, we just might drop you a line. Why? Because you've made it about us and not about your ex. Eventually, should the planets line up, there will be plenty of opportunity to talk about all sorts of things, including our collective pasts.

2. Those Pictures - First, too many pictures screams run! And yes we know you love your kitten Chloe, but a picture of you cuddled up with Chloe is not so sexy. And the full on bicycle gear, helmet, sunglasses, cleats, etc. looks like an advertisement. It is okay as a secondary picture, but not for the main photo. Oh and the picture of you horizontal on a sofa... gazing up into the camera, sorry guys! As for those big fish pictures... chances are we are probably not impressed and the first thing that comes to my mind is gills, guts and stinky fish smell. And please, please, please no zipper shots and save the bare chest for live and in person. For those of you who don't want to post your picture because you are the CEO of a big corporation, or whatever 'original' reason you've come up with, you are probably not going to get very far. We want to see your face, your eyes, your smile, and perhaps you in different settings that suggest your interests and those we might share together. Travel, outdoor activities, cooking with friends, etc. We women are like you men in that we want something to look at yes, but please make it interesting to us. Once we get to know each other we will have the opportunity to learn more about you in all different sorts of settings, including the bare chest.

3. Be Honest Honest Honest and Be Real - You've had great emails, entertaining text messaging and even a fun chat on the phone, you are SUPER excited and now you're looking forward to staring into your potential future girlfriend's big brown eyes while sipping your Cazadores margarita and munching on tortilla chips. You arrive at the restaurant, look around and not a familiar face anywhere in sight. And then over walks a stranger who calls out your name, a stranger who has some bit of familiarity but looks older, is a little heavier and 2 inches shorter than the online profile. Dang! You've been hood winked! Trust me on this one: It is not a good way to start out. Be honest in your profile! Be honest about your age! It doesn't matter if you are trying to beat a search engine, or if you feel like a testosterone raging 27 year old when you are really 65. And be honest about your body type including your height. As much as we might like to think we are bigger and stronger and taller than we really are (me included, all 62 1/2 inches of me), rulers and tape measures all use the same universal standard. So be real! If somebody doesn't like YOU and embrace YOU for who YOU are... stop wasting your time, because time is finite... treat 'em like the fish that wasn't big enough, let 'em go!

This news article is brought to you by SELF-ESTEEM - where latest news are our top priority.

How to Start Dating Again After 50 - Tips for Getting Out There

Do go slowly when you're getting back into the dating scene again over the age of 50 years old.

Before you put on your best dress or most dapper duds and head out to the singles bars or a singles conference, think of dating as akin to working out at the gym. You wouldn't try to press the maximum weight capacity your very first day at the local physical fitness club. So you wouldn't jump into the deep end of the pool with mature singles dating scene right out of the gate, either.

Instead, start with ways of socializing that are like an active warm up at the gym.

Before you do senior dating, take a good look in the mirror and ask yourself when was the last time you updated your image?

If it's been more than 15 years since you've updated your image, your look might still be stuck in the 1980s. This is an idea for both the single guys and gals to ponder and reflect upon.

Ladies, go visit your favorite salon and ask for some ideas for an undated look. Ask them what are some popular new colors being featured this season which they think you could wear. Try those new colors on slowly as a new nail polish or lipstick. Treat yourself to a new attractive and alluring dress which flatters your figure for wearing on a first date.

Men, talk to your barber about how you can bring your image into the 21st century. While you're at it, purchase a few new spiffy shirts which you could confidently wear on a first date.

Start socializing before you start into the mature singles dating scene.

Start to stretch your social muscles slowly by going to social mingling activities first. Build up your social ease, poise, and confidence this way.

What are some social activities you can practice your social skills at first before starting dating again?

1. Attend an author reading at your local book store.

It is a low commitment level. You only have to attend one time. Go with the goal of lightly conversing with 3 people while you are there. If you enjoy talking with anyone more than a few minutes, man or woman, just invite them to go join you for a coffee and to extend the conversation a little bit. They don't have to become someone you date. They might just turn into a new friend! When you expand your social circle, you expand your social options right along with them.

2. Attend a Personal Enrichment Class at Your Local Community College Community Education Program

Select one of the Saturday workshops which gives you the greatest number of people likely to attend. Choose a seminar which has a singles-related topic to it like Internet Dating or Charisma. That way more of your fellow attendees are likely to be single.

3. Go to a Presentation at Your Local Public Library

Your local public library has an events calendar. Go to a new of their different presentations. Men: you'll meet a lot of women at the Romance Authors event. Ladies: you will encounter more men attending the financial planning and mortgage information sessions.

By sprucing up your image, you'll look your best at the age you are now. And by attending a variety of events which are more community based than a singles group, you can practice all of your singles social skills but all of the pressure of the pick up singles bars is off of you.

Friday, June 8, 2012

Dating After 40 in LA: Cool Place to Meet Midlife Singles in Los Angeles Is Dinner and Music

Meeting midlife singles in the Los Angeles area can be quite a daunting challenge. The pick up singles bar scene is really geared towards the under 35 year old glamor crowd. It's unfortunate. Alternatively, is online dating your only other option? Internet dating sites are great, but you do still want to get out, meet people, and have a social life. You really do never know where love will find you. By aiming to frequent fun, hip, and cool venues around LA county, you take care of both needs. Discover how to leverage dinner and music venues for meeting more people, and maybe get your next Saturday night date. Read on.

Genghis Cohen in Hollywood meets such a criteria. The restaurant is cool and hip with great Chinese food. It still manages to retain a down to earth feel to it and the attractive crowd of clientele it regularly attracts from throughout the Southern California region.

Such musical talents as Tracy Newman and the Reinforcements are among the kind of award winning local musicians which Genghis Cohen feature. Typically the live music starts at 8:30 pm. Of course, to get your order in and be eating your meal, and maybe just grazing on what's left, you'll want to have your dinner reservation at 7:00 pm, no later than a 7:30 pm seating reservation.

However, since you're single, you are not exclusively focused on the award winning musicians from throughout Southern California featured on stage. Now are you solely focused on the excellent Chinese food cuisine which you'll be getting to nosh on tonight.

Because you're single, you want to do what you can to leverage the crowd which are drawn to both the great Chinese food and the accompanying music. How can you do that?

First, yes, absolutely do phone early for a Saturday night show and get your reservation made earlier in the week. Then plan that you'll be wearing something casual and a little impressive. This is Los Angeles. You can always dress to impress and fit right in. Do aim to dress attractively so others can read from your body language grooming and styling signals that you are available and interested.

Then do aim to arrive about 60 - 90 minutes prior to your dinner reservation. Genghis Cohen has a bar. Where can you comfortably chat with strangers across from you at an LA restaurant? You can do chat across the aisle in the bar area.

Here are some ice breaker conversation starters you can use when Tracy Newman and the Reinforcements are performing. Substitute alternate text when it is a different musicians group there that night:

  • Have you ever heard Tracy Newman and the Reinforcements perform before?
  • How did you hear of Tracy Newman and the Reinforcements?
  • Have you ever eaten at Genghis Cohen before?
  • What is your favorite dish here at Genghis Cohen?
  • Which of Tracy's songs is your favorite?

Have fun enjoying the great food, live music, and new people you'll meet!

This news article is brought to you by CATS - where latest news are our top priority.

Thursday, June 7, 2012

After 40 Dating Tips to Easily Meet More People This Weekend and Segue Into Dating Again

Do you mind if I ask you a question? What are your social plans this weekend? What do you have planned this weekend? Are you doing anything this weekend?

If your answer is, "Nothing," or "Not much," then please allow me to suggest that you start making an effort now to fill up your weekend calendar with some social plans that will ensure you meet a number of new people and get you out of your house comfortably and easily meeting others. You just might surprise yourself with how comfortable you can feel conversing comfortably with others.

Even if when you read this mature singles tips article it's Monday where you are, and you're wondering to yourself, "What on earth can she be thinking to bring up my plans for this weekend? Afterall my last weekend just ended, right?"

Perfect timing then!

Starting to think about your singles seeking activities next weekend now gives you all week. That gives you plenty of time to assess your previous weekend's activities, results, and work on your Dating Strategy.

In my working as a Dating Coach, I'm usually coaching my clients early in the week so they can do things now to ensure they actually have more dates this coming weekend. Get it? To get to where you are meeting people regularly throughout the week and then going on live interactive dates requires you to be like the farmers and plant socializing seeds beforehand. You need to plan seeds of socializing early in the week in order to reap the harvest of going on dates over the weekend.

So, what're your plans for this coming weekend? A great way to think about it is to do some reflecting assessments over your last weekend. What did you do? Did you meet new people? Any singles? Exchange phone numbers? Yes? No?

In which case, time to start contemplating some fun activities this weekend.

Get out your local newspaper. You can use either the print edition or the online version and go check out the community calendar of events. In the example of summer time for at least another month, you will probably have some Street Fair options. Some food festivals perhaps.

Circle 2 or 3 of these. Get the details and do be sure to go, ok?

Or you could feel free to stay at home alone for another weekend scrubbing your sink and downloading movie online while you are all alone.

Your choice.

What're my recommendation? Turn off your computer, get out and meet someone. All of those meetings of several someones is what leads to that one someone, that special someone for you.

Friday, June 1, 2012

How to Get Her Back Even If She's The One Who Dumped You

How to get her back if she's the one who dumped you? Is it even possible to get your ex-girlfriend back in such cases?

The answer is "yes" if you know how. To get her back, you just need to understand the following facts:

Fact #1: Most Women are Fickle Minded

I am not saying that all women are fickle minded, but 9 out of 10 are.

If you notice, in most cases, it is the woman who initiated the break up but many a times, they are also the one who ask to get back with each other again.

So, you should never doubt the possibility of winning your ex-girlfriend over again. You just need to know how to get her back.

Fact #2: Women Likes Popular Guys

If you want to know how to get her back, be a guy who's on demand.

Like guys, most girls are happy or proud to learn that their "man" is a man who is highly on demand. That gives them a boost of confidence and pride among their friends.

The easiest way to be a guy on demand is by dating your ex-girlfriend's close friends.

By dating her close friend, you will actually make your ex wanted to get back with you immediately.

Fact #3: Women Are Sentimental

It goes without saying that majority of women are more sentimental compared to men. That explains why most of the time, women are willing to continue with a relationship even though they are the one who requested for a break-up. You just need to make some efforts to mend the relationship.

Find out what went wrong and rectify it.

If she does not like certain aspects about you, change it.

If she longs for more fun in a relationship, be creative and be a fun person. You will know that you are successful when you notice that she laughs more when she's with you.

In short, you have to show her that you are exactly the kind of guy who she needs. If you can do that, you would no longer need to wonder how to get her back. She'll come back to you.

The answer on how to get her back revolves around how much you know about women. Know them more and you'll win your ex over again in no time - even if she is the one who dumped you in the first place.