Friday, July 13, 2012

50 And Dating - 36 Quick and Easy Dating Tips for Mature Female Daters

  1. Ask! Ask! Ask! Ask men questions in emails, phone conversations and in person.
  2. Don't monopolize a conversation with a new date
  3. Don't unload your troubles on him on a first date.
  4. Have a varied dating plan for how you'll meet men
  5. Enjoy meeting new and interesting men
  6. It's OK to be scared. Being too careful means not enough action. Not enough action means always being alone.
  7. Do one Dating action every day and in the process become the action hero of your own life.
  8. Don't deprive or impose too many rules on yourself about dating.
  9. See dating mistakes as an opportunity to learn more about what you do and don't want in a relationship.
  10. Never shy away from dating obstacles. We soar our highest when truly challenged.
  11. Don't feel you have to have a man in your life otherwise you might end up settling just to have someone there.
  12. Don't allow others to define your dating life for you.
  13. You know what makes your heart swell with love. Follow that dream.
  14. Have a dating purpose-know why you want a man in your life.
  15. Be sure you have some type of dating support from friends or families.
  16. Have a "go to person" you can always discuss your dating concerns with.
  17. Don't Panic when a date doesn't work. There are lots of other men out there for you.
  18. You do have more then one Soul Mate in life.
  19. Your soul mate is out there looking for you too!
  20. When a relationship ends, give yourself some time to heal before you head back into the dating world.
  21. Success comes from working through the fear of failure and learning to be adaptable.
  22. Know the value of learning "How To Date" at this time in your life.
  23. Make a conscious decision that you are wonderful with or without a man in your life. This is often when he shows up.
  24. Sometimes a date or relationship not working out is actually a blessing in disguise.
  25. Always make time to go out with your girlfriends.
  26. Success comes from knowing you're always in the right place at the right time.
  27. Enrich your single life by taking classes that follow your passion
  28. Be willing to explore different types of men.
  29. Don't overthink how Mr. Right is going to show up in your life. Trust the Universe to bring you what you want.
  30. Think about upgrading your membership at dating sites to get you more exposure to the men on the sites.
  31. There are 1000's of dating sites. One has to be right for you.
  32. The Best of the Best Dating Sites for you are the ones that speak to what types of men you are most interested in.
  33. Check out lots of dating sites.
  34. It only takes minutes to minimally fill out a profile form on a Dating Site.
  35. Personalize your profile with scenes a man can imagine himself being part of such as describing a great picnic for a romantic date.
  36. Be careful of obsessing about being in a relationship. It can cloud your judgement.

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Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Why Boomers Need To Be Careful On Their First Date

Boomers are the most vulnerable of all age groups when it comes to dating. They've gone through a bitter divorce, or their loved one passed away leaving them at the loneliest time in their life. Many have saved money from their early years and have hefty bank accounts, stocks and bonds.

Growing old with their spouse was certain until tragedy struck. They are left alone to defend for themselves in a depressed state, wondering why life was so unfair to them. Some go to counseling while others take depressant medications and others look for guidance from their children, and a few join dating sites looking for companionship.

Con artists have caught on to the dating scene knowing the boomers are an easy target to wipe out their bank account. The boomers looking to date need to go to a good dating site. They must ask questions and make sure the dating company performs background checks and screens all the members.

It helps weed out con artists, criminal and drug pushers. Although their system isn't perfect, most losers will get turned down for a membership. Boomers biggest mistake is giving too much personal information to their first date. The well to do boomers wears expensive clothes, jewelry, watches and drive fancy cars.

They should dress casual like most everyday people. Leave the expensive jewelry at home and wear costume jewelry and drive a cheaper car. Suppose they meet their compatible match and they look like a million dollars. If they like their date, they won't know if they like them for themselves or if they're after money.

Never give financial information to a date or anyone else, or tell them where you live. After you've been seeing this person for a while, then you can tell him where you live. You still must be careful for the con game, such as leaving their wallet at home, waiting for a real estate deal to close, or they got in an accident and need money until a check arrives in the mail.

Cons love to play the waiting game and are good actors. They know if given enough time, they can break you down to tell them what they want to hear. Lonely boomers are so lonely that they fall for any old game and end up losing a fortune giving in to the con because they felt sorry for them and trusted their instincts which were guiding the con right to the boomer's bank account.

Make sure the dating service helps you with your profile and be as specific as possible without giving to much information. You will get matched to someone of your liking, but remember it's not one hundred percent foolproof. Boomers need to be careful on their first date and every date after that.

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Saturday, July 7, 2012

Over 50 Dating Tips for the Baby Boomer Singles: Where Can You Find Mature Senior Singles Locally

The Baby Boomer Generation has its own share of happily single-again mature men and women. Many singles in the Boomers demographic are single-again after having divorced or been widowed after a former marriage. These senior singles are in midlife dating again with a mature well-seasoned and practical understanding of what it takes to create a real relationship. Sure the senior online dating sites are a great place to meet boomer singles. But what about where to meet singles in their 40s, 50s, and 60s offline in the real world locally near where you live? Read on to discover where you can find mature single seniors like yourself in your local area.

One of the questions that comes up when I lead internet dating workshop in the offline world is where are all the attractive and available over 40, 50 and even early 60s single men and women? Certainly single men and women joke in person about reading people's online dating profiles citing that they are 61 but looking to date someone as young as 20 years younger than they are. Both men and women have this as a challenge. Whether you want to consider this to be "Dirty Old Men" or jibe about "Cougar Dating," this is the 21st century and a lot of the former social taboos about age differences in serious relationships have gone by the wayside. I find that refreshing and generally a good thing. Because then people can open themselves up better to looking for and finding a serious lasting love relationship based upon real attraction, caring, shared values, and aligned lives. Not based on the number on their birth certificate or the number of candles on their birthday cake.

However, the same dilemma which many of the single never marrieds face in their 30s, "Where are all the quality singles?" is the same dilemma which mature singles over 40, over 50, and over 60 encounter. "Where are all the quality available singles around my own age?"

Just as singles in their 30s actually must go out and seek out establishing a social life and finding appropriate social venues to meet singles in their social peer age group, so the singles looking to date after 40, 50, and 60 must do so as well. Additionally, yes, over time, there are fewer singles in your precise age group and demographic. This is one of the reasons to loosen up what might be your strict search criteria. Could he be a few years younger than you? Couldn't he be? You like baseball, she likes hockey. Well at least you two both enjoy sports and can engage in conversations about your sports at different times of the year.

Whenever there is a major sports underway, that means you just have a wonderful opportunity to go watch the games at a Sport Bar. Now, I received questions from some very attractive mature single women in their 40s and into the 50s and 60s about which sports bars to go to where they would at the same time meet men in their 50s and 60s. There isn't exactly 1 Hot Over 50 Singles Bar precisely in any metropolitan area. The market is just different. However, what you can do is start to place yourself at the Sports Bars which are more of a locally owned and operated venue in your town or city. You will encounter some folks in the 30s, their 40s, their 50s, and their 60s at cool local bars like these. But it's likely not going to be like when were in our 20s and early 30s where we go to a bar or dance club on a Saturday night, and come home with several phone numbers, squealing about the cute guy we just met and hoping he really does ask us out next week. When you go to a local watering hole, you want to dress attractively while yet casually. Have as your goal not "to meet THE one for me" which would just put way too much pressure on yourself as well as on the folks there. Instead, take a smaller goal like, "I want to meet 3 new people and converse with them. And just maybe 1 of them will be single and about my age, too." Just do begin to open things up socially and comfortably, and you'll have gotten things started for finding senior mature love right where you live.

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